Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016

Hear and Now: Robots Are Getting Soft - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Aug 29, 2016 09:10 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Hear and Now: Robots Are Getting Soft
Plus, Microsoft Excel is sometimes autocorrecting science, and Seattle is looking to address its opioid problem by opening safe houses for drug use.


This Tree Is Europe's Oldest Living Organism — Sort of, Kind of, Maybe
Saying what the oldest thing alive is can be tough, because you have to define "alive" as well as "thing." But still, this Greek tree's got serious years.


Airports That Float
What do you do when you're out of land but want to expand an airport? Try building on water.


Keeping Zika Out of the U.S. Blood Supply
The FDA is recommending that all blood donations start being tested for Zika virus in the next 12 weeks. But what about the blood already on hand? What happens to that?


Cannibalistic Ancient Shark Ancestors Devoured Their Own Young
The eel-like Orthacanthus, a precursor to modern sharks, may have turned to cannibalizing its own babies in times of crisis.


Gay Termites Plot the Death of Kings
A solo male termite isn't long for this world, but a pair of them stands a much better chance. Once united, that pairing can become deadly for other male termites.


The Two Months That See the Most Divorce Filings
Year after year, there are two months where people file for divorce the most. But why? A new study has an interesting explanation.

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