Selasa, 09 Agustus 2016

When Live-streaming Bumps Up Against Freedom of Speech and Privacy - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Aug 08, 2016 10:29 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

When Live-streaming Bumps Up Against Freedom of Speech and Privacy
There's a lot of live-streaming going on lately. As a result, courts may soon be busy defining when it's appropriate to record or broadcast video.


Hear and Now: Fly Me to the Moon
That's what Moon Express must be singing after it got permission to go to the moon. Plus, HowStuffWorks Now covers universal basic income and myths that are real.


Watch: The Sun Obliterate a Doomed Comet
A NASA spacecraft captured footage of a comet hurtling toward the sun. And then it got crazy


Is Uber Ditching Google to Develop Its Own Roadmaps?
Who needs Google Maps? The ride-sharing behemoth is dipping its toes into developing its own web-based mapping system.


How Many People Are Lifelong Virgins?
Humans are low-virginity, high-reproduction animals. Some of us go our whole lives with no action, either by choice or circumstance. How many people never have sex?


We Still Love You From Afar, Curiosity
It's hard to believe you've already been hanging out on Mars for four years now, Curiosity!

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