Selasa, 23 Agustus 2016

Hear and Now: Chemtrails, Canines and, Well, Venus - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Aug 22, 2016 05:03 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Hear and Now: Chemtrails, Canines and, Well, Venus
You've always wondered whether your dog would choose you over food. Now, scientists have some answers. Plus, the team covers chemtrails and a much more agreeable Venus.


'An Emerging Public Health Concern': Your Local Trampoline Park
A new study looked at the types of injuries sustained from trampoline park accidents, highlighting the need for better safety standards in these theme parks.


Plasma Rain, Plasma Rain: Fascinating New Footage from the Sun's Surface
NASA's solar-observation satellite IRIS spotted an instance of this powerful natural electromagnetic phenomenon, and caught it on video.


Ramen Replacing Smokes as Preferred Prison Currency?
Inmates have been using cigarettes as currency for more than a century in U.S. prisons. So what's behind the switch to ramen cups at one prison?


Stephen Hawking Right Again?
A new experiment supports the famous theoretical physicist's idea of radiation being emitted by black holes.


Should the U.S. Let People Younger Than 35 Run for President?
If the millennial generation is behind some of the most innovative developments in tech and business, why not hand these young citizens the keys to the country, too?

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