Jumat, 05 Agustus 2016

Researchers Reveal the Dark Side of Bounce Houses - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Aug 04, 2016 09:48 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Researchers Reveal the Dark Side of Bounce Houses
What could possibly go wrong when you stick a bunch of kids inside a bouncy house on a hot summer day?


See the Swirling Glory of Britain's 7-Circle Magic Roundabout
There's a method behind the automotive madness of this massive traffic circle in Swindon, England.


How Much is Physical Inactivity Costing the World?
For the first time, a group of researchers tried to answer that question — and got a staggering figure.


May I Go to the Moon, Please?
Heading to the moon? You might want to ask the FAA first.


The Weird, Painful Condition That Stops Dog Tails From Wagging
Dogs suffering from the condition known as "limber tail" experience pain as their normally waggable appendages go limp.


In the Midst of Hookup Culture, Fewer Millennials Are Having Sex
A new study found millennials are having less sex than Gen Xers did at the same age. But why?


Germs May Help Shape Our Personalities
It's all connected! Recent rodent research suggests that immune responses and social behavior may be more intertwined than we realized.


Slithering Medical Robots Could Snake Inside Your Body Some Day
A new robot draws inspiration from the motion of snakes to get around using a pure wave motion.


200 Years Ago, We Had a Year Without a Summer
More than two centuries ago, the biggest volcanic explosion in human history occurred. And it had far-reaching effects.


World's Last Woolly Mammoths Were Killed by Thirst, Not Humans
A small island off the coast of Alaska supported a mammoth population until sea levels rose and fresh water sources shrank.

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