Jumat, 02 September 2016

If We Could Bioenhance People to Be Nicer, Should We? - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Sep 01, 2016 09:36 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

If We Could Bioenhance People to Be Nicer, Should We?
In the future, we may have the technology to make people more moral. Which could be great— or terrible.


You're Fired! AAP Backs Docs Who Refuse to Treat Kids of Anti-Vaxxers
The American Academy of Pediatrics is supporting doctors who refuse to treat children whose parents won't have them vaccinated. Good move?


Earth Is in a New Epoch Because of Humans, Scientists Say
Sea level change, plastic pollution and invasive species aren't just political issues — they're likely signs of a new epoch called the Anthropocene, geologists say.


iPhone and Android Users Found to Have Different Personality Traits
What does your choice of smartphone say about who you are and how others perceive you?


How Generic EpiPen Is Still Going to Make Money for Mylan
In a highly unusual move, Mylan is knocking off its own EpiPen with a cheaper, generic version of the device. It's not the first time a company has done this.


Women With Autism Aren't Getting Diagnosed
But the Twitter hashtag #SheCantBeAutistic started by Guardian columnist Nicola Clark is trying to bring attention to the issue, one tweet at a time.


Weird Physics: The Closer You Get to the Sun, the Cooler It Gets
The sun's atmosphere is actually hotter than its surface, even though you'd assume the surface is what generates all that heat. How does that work?


African Elephants Are in Trouble, New Census Finds
More than 30,000 African elephants are dying annually, according to estimates just released by the Great Elephant Census. Poaching is the main culprit.


Cows Need Not Apply: Synthetic Vegan Lab Milk on the Horizon
By cutting cows out of the equation entirely, the company Perfect Day looks to create animal-free milk in a lab, benefiting the environment, cows — and the bottom line.


This 'Smart Jacket' Knows What Temperature Will Keep You Warm This Winter
Someone should invent a jacket that automatically adjusts to keep you comfortable no matter the temperature inside or out. Someone just did.

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