Jumat, 16 September 2016

Robots May Take Millions of US Jobs by 2021 - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Sep 15, 2016 12:55 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Robots May Take Millions of US Jobs by 2021
The robot workforce is growing, according to new research — and millions of U.S. jobs could be on the line.


Your Thoughts Could Activate a Tiny Robot Inside Your Own Brain
For the first time, Israeli researchers have developed a system that lets a human use brain waves to control nanobots in a cockroach. How could that help your health?


Should Restaurants Charge a Penalty Fee for Uneaten Food?
In an effort to discourage food waste, some all-you-can-eat buffets are charging diners whose eyes are bigger than their stomachs.


Watch Bacteria Mutate Into Drug-resistant Superbugs
Researchers subjected a bunch of E. coli to deadly levels of antibiotics. It didn't take that long for the bacteria to become drug-resistant, as this video shows.


Four Wrong Ways to Treat Your Child's Concussion
A new survey found that most parents have some very outdated ideas of treating a concussion.


Why You Hate the Weird Sound of Your Own Voice
The reason why cringe when you hear your weird, terrible, monstrous voice? It all has to do with physics, biology and sonics.


Donating Your Body to Science Becoming More Popular in U.S.
Donating your body to science is definitely one way to get into med school, right?


Letting Your Cat Work for Food Makes Her Happier, Healthier
A new report shows the benefits of using food puzzles with indoor cats. Here's how to make your own.

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