Jumat, 20 Januari 2017

Which Medical Services Are Overused and Underused? - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Jan 19, 2017 05:43 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

How Leonard Bernstein Opposed Richard Nixon With 1973 'Anti-inaugural' Concert
The iconic American composer and conductor's "Concert for Peace" offered a direct alternative to the festivities of Richard Nixon's second swearing-in.


Scientists Capture First-ever Footage of Live Ruby Seadragon
The mysterious red fish, discovered and identified in 2015 and related to the seahorse, has finally been spotted alive in waters off Australia's coastline.


Which Medical Services Are Overused and Underused?
A series of papers showed that overuse and underuse of medical care is a global health crisis. Here's how to address it.


Let's Be Clear: 2016 Was the Hottest Year in Recorded History
Last year was the third consecutive year to set a new global annual temperature record, NOAA finds, and the warmest on average since 1880.


Thought Experiment: What Would a World Without Guns Be Like?
Would populations boom and violence cease? Or would humans and human nature essentially remain the same?


Corporal Punishment Continues in U.S. Schools, Despite Its Ineffectiveness
Spankings are common and legal in many public schools — but experts say they don't work. So why are they still a form of discipline?


Your Body Aches Have Nothing to Do With the Weather
New studies found no link between back pain, arthritis and the temperature, air pressure or humidity.


Free Knitted Knockers Are a Boon for Breast Cancer Survivors
This is what happens when fearless knitters take on breast cancer one stitch at a time.


Can the United States Revoke Someone's Citizenship?
Donald Trump proposed stripping flag burners of citizenship. Regardless of the fact that flag-burning is legal, whether the United States can even do that is tricky.


What 'An Inconvenient Truth' Got Right (And Wrong) About Climate Change
With a sequel making its debut at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival, where did Al Gore's landmark environmental documentary hit the mark? What did it get wrong?

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