Jumat, 13 Januari 2017

5 Surprising Facts About Gun Silencers - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Jan 12, 2017 05:48 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

3-D Printing Your Own Tractor Beam Levitation Device
Engineers devised a way to levitate and control matter using acoustic waves, and they're sharing their plans with the public.


U.S. Public Schools Are Suspending Millions of Students, With Little Reward
A whopping 2.8 million students were suspended in the '13-'14 school year, which is likely more detrimental than beneficial to society.


5 Surprising Facts About Gun Silencers
For instance, gun silencers don't make guns all that quiet.


How Do Kindergartners Decide Who Is 'Smart'?
And, for that matter, how do kindergarten teachers decide which students are smart?


Orca Menopause May Be Related to Mother-Daughter Competition
Only three animal species on Earth are designed quit reproducing during middle age. Killer whales are one of these, but why?


Say It; Don't Spray It. Speaking Spreads the Flu, Too.
This flu season, beware of coughers, sneezers ... and loud talkers?


Humanity's Smartphone Cravings Could Doom Mysterious 'Casper' Octopod
Mining rare minerals from the breeding ground of these newly discovered creatures could endanger their habitat. But hey, then we get batteries.


How Long Could Humanity Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Some physics students did the calculations, and the results are not pretty.


Celebrity TV Chefs Fail at Food Safety, New Study Finds
A new analysis of the actions portrayed on TV cooking shows finds that food personalities need to up their safety game.


'Comfort Women': The Past and Present of Japan's Forced WWII Prostitutes
In this episode of Stuff Mom Never Told You, Cristen and Caroline explain the history of the women forced into prostitution for Japanese soldiers during World War II.

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