Jumat, 06 Januari 2017

Car Sensors Are Getting Pretty Darned Advanced - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Jan 05, 2017 06:36 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Car Sensors Are Getting Pretty Darned Advanced
They could prevent you from crashing into a deer or a pedestrian, and they don't have to rely on visual identification to do it either.


Have Star-studded U.S. Presidential Inaugurations Typically Been the Norm?
President-elect Donald Trump is reportedly having trouble finding celebrities to perform during his inauguration. But have stars usually been part of this event?


China Bans Elephant Ivory Trade
China has a voracious appetite for elephant ivory, but the country plans to shut down its ivory market by the end of 2017. Will it be enough to save the elephants?


Pregnancy Changes a Mother's Brain Structure and Size for Years
Can having a baby change your brain? Science says "yes" — and the changes stick around for years more than previously thought.


These Awesome Animals Got Celebrity Names in 2016
From musicians to politicians, a bunch of famous folks can now say they have entire species named in their honor.


Is It Legal to Give Your Pet Medical Marijuana?
Many Americans who've benefited from using medical marijuana are wondering whether they can get a prescription for their pets, too.


Elephants Eat Leftover Christmas Trees
Zookeepers in Europe feed their elephants surplus holiday foliage, giving the animals a treat they both eat and play with.


Hear and Now: Tardigrade Mating Revealed!
Also on this week's Now podcast: Researchers just can't stop sniffing around asparagus-scented urine, and buggy software is sending some innocent people to jail.


Unveiled at CES: The Electric Car Hoping to Beat Tesla at Its Game
Faraday Future wants to give Tesla a run for its money with the FF 91, a brand-new, four-door electric car with a swanky inside that was just unveiled at CES.


Newly Discovered Desert Bee Species Are Curiously Ant-like
With the identification of nine intriguing new bee species, questions about survival in the desert abound.

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