Selasa, 10 Januari 2017

5 Tips to Finally Achieve Your Fitness Goals - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Jan 09, 2017 05:03 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

5 Tips to Finally Achieve Your Fitness Goals
Don't quit! You can accomplish your workout resolutions by taking some simple steps psychologists recommend.


Google Home Speakers Argue, Talk About Their Feelings on Twitch
And it's strangely entertaining.


How Long Should You Use Your Bath Towel Without Washing It?
Answer: A lot less time than you're probably thinking.


Japan Celebrates 20-Year-Olds With Massive Annual Party
Turning 20 means Japanese youth gain the responsibilities and rights of adulthood, including voting and drinking alcohol. How do they mark the occasion?


Mark Your Calendars for These 2017 Space Events, Astronomy Fans
A total solar eclipse and a comet flyby are on the list of fascinating astronomical happenings 2017 has in store.


Why Ransomware Is the Perfect Hack
Ransomware is coming for us all.


Gun Violence Spreads Through Social Networks Like an Epidemic, Study Shows
According to new research, shootings pass from person to person like a contagious disease.


What's the Protocol of Inviting a Recovering Alcoholic to an Event With Drinks?
We talk with addiction specialists and recovering alcoholics to find out whether the host should hold off on the booze, give a heads-up, or do nothing.

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