Selasa, 12 April 2016

Touchscreens Touch Back, Security Selfies and Ridiculous History - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Apr 11, 2016 04:04 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

When Touchscreens Touch Back
In the future, you may not need to carry around your smartphone. Instead, your hands will become smart technology — and you'll be able to feel it.


Products for Your Period Finally Enter the 21st Century
Even though almost every woman gets a period, the number of products available to manage it is shockingly small. But the 21st century has seen a flurry of innovation.


Ridiculous History: When Benjamin Franklin Remade the Alphabet
Ben Franklin was the kind of guy who couldn't help tinkering with everything he touched, whether it was eyeglasses, catheters or ... the alphabet.


'Security Selfies' May Make Passwords Obsolete
Remembering another password? How about replacing those codes with a simple selfie snap? Amazon and other companies are banking on pay-by-selfie as the future.


Marked at Birth: Your Birth Month, Allergies and DNA Are Linked
Although scientists knew that birth season affected people's allergy risk, they didn't know why this happened. A new study gets us one step closer.

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