Selasa, 19 April 2016

Cheese Rolling, Transparent Wood and Ridiculous History - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Apr 18, 2016 05:01 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Cheese Rolling Is No Joke. But It's Still Pretty Funny.
This year, on the last Monday in May, people will chase an 8-pound cheese down an absurdly steep hill in England. And it looks really fun.


Binturongs Smell Like Hot, Buttery Popcorn — Now We Know Why
In a surprising way, the Southeast Asian mammal, AKA the bearcat, creates a chemical compound shared with roasty, toasty human food, according to a new study.


States Scramble to Find Lethal Injection Drugs
With more drug companies refusing to allow their drugs to be used in executions, states have turned to riskier pharmaceuticals.


Newly Created Transparent Wood Could Change How We Build
Swedish researchers have figured out how to take the color out of wood and make it 85 percent transparent. It's part of a trend of new see-through materials.


Ridiculous History: That Time Wine Flowed Out of the Taps
On the first Sunday in October, a fountain in the Italian town of Marino flows with wine. One year, however, things didn't go as planned.


American Indian Sports Logos Do Real Damage, New Study Finds
Ethnic brand identities and mascots affect people with different political leanings in surprising ways, at times increasing associations with Native American stereotypes.

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