Selasa, 26 April 2016

Ridiculous History, Oldest Living Thing and 30-year Tetanus Booster - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Apr 25, 2016 04:30 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Ridiculous History: When People Thought They Were Made of Glass
Imagine being afraid that if someone touches you or that if you sit down, you'll break. That's what life was like for someone with the glass delusion.


What's the Oldest Living Thing on Earth?
Trees? Fungus? Bacteria? It all kind of depends on how you define "alive" ... and how you define "thing," as this BrainStuff video explains.


Test Driving Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion Car
Buckminster Fuller's 1933 designs for a car were innovative, stylish and exciting. But how would one actually handle on today's roads?


30 Is the New 10: Study Says You Only Need a Tetanus Booster Every 30 Years
The current U.S. recommendation is to get a tetanus shot every 10 years. Will this new study change CDC guidelines?


Is Your Airbnb Photo 'Trustworthy'? If So, You Could Be Charging More
Thinking about making some extra cash with Airbnb? Pick your profile photo carefully. New research finds that it matters more than you think.


Take a Dose of Dickinson: Poetry as Therapy
Poetry can actually help you heal from traumatic situations. A poetry therapist explains how.

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