Selasa, 05 April 2016

"Off Switch" for Appetite, Allergy Inherited After Transplant and Giant Tree Takes Sea Cruise - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Apr 04, 2016 05:05 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

The Transforming Gun Meant to Resemble a Smartphone
A Minnesota entrepreneur is planning to manufacture and market what might be the ultimate in concealed weapons — a small pistol designed to look like a cellphone.


Stop Checking That Phone (If You Can)
If you're one of those people who checks their smartphone hundreds or even thousands of times a day, research out of Temple University helps explain why.


Sine Us Up: It's Square Root Day.
Four (squared) cheers for Square Root Day!


New Clues to Why Bus-sized Giant Shark Megalodon Went Extinct
Scientists thought climate and ecological change was the culprit, but a new study suggests otherwise.


Ridiculous History: The Great Moon Hoax of 1835
In 1835, a newspaper ran a series of articles on lunar discoveries, leading papers to fly off the shelf. There was just one problem.


Introverts Just Got a New Job: Grammar Police
A study found that introverts were more likely than extroverts to negatively judge those who made grammar mistakes and typos. No introverts were available to comment.


Prairie Dogs Savagely Kill Squirrels to Eliminate the Competition
Prairie dogs are cute little vegetarians … who have no problem casually snapping the neck of a ground squirrel. And those that kill have another sexy benefit, too.

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