Selasa, 25 April 2017

Want to Be a Manlier Man? Use These Tips From Walt Whitman —  Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Apr 24, 2017 04:41 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

When Removing Confederate Statues Requires a Military Defense
More than 150 years after the U.S. Civil War ended, Confederate statues (and their removal) are still igniting passions in the South.


Female Supreme Court Justices Interrupted Three Times More Frequently Than Men
A new study found conservatives more often interrupted liberals, and that the frequency of "manterrupting" has increased along with the number of women on the court.


Ridiculous History: Want to Be a Manlier Man? Use These Tips From Walt Whitman
Before the days of Esquire and GQ, the famous poet wrote about men's health and grooming in newspaper columns. How does his advice stack up today?


Despite What You Think, Today's Teens Are Better Adjusted Than Gen X Teens
U.S. government survey shows that rates of drinking, smoking and having sex are all lower today than 25 years ago.


Hobbyhorse Riding: The Sport Galloping to Popularity in Finland
Yep, we're talking about folks acting out real equestrian rides on their not-so-real steeds.


March for Science: Thousands Worldwide Rally on Earth Day
HowStuffWorks headed to Washington, D.C., for the massive march aiming to place science, evidence and facts above partisan politics.


Fleshy, Huggable Robots Could Soon Roam Disney Theme Parks
A newly filed patent suggests that the famously stiff animatronics in Disney theme parks could get a lifelike upgrade.

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