Jumat, 14 April 2017

Rockabye Baby in a Smart Crib From Ford - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Apr 13, 2017 09:33 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Rockabye Baby in a Smart Crib From Ford
Parents put down your keys and put your newborn to bed--in a concept crib from Ford. The car company has designed a smart crib that mimics your baby's favorite ride.


Ketchup: How to Keep the Non-Newtonian Fluid From Messing Up Your Next BBQ
Let physics explain how to avoid the dreaded ketchup explosion.


Study Suggests Early Antibiotics Could Affect Adult Health and Behavior
A new study conducted on mice found a change in anxiety and aggression, and that probiotics could mediate any changes.


The Complicated Relationship Between Men and Dancing
Pressures to seem macho can leave men off the dance floor — but it depends on the culture.


Trendy Broth Driving Up Prices of Bones
Have you jumped on the bone broth bandwagon? Then the rest of the world has you to thank for driving up the price of the bones that go into making it.


4 Reasons Why 'Earth-like' Gliese 1132b Isn't All That 'Earth-like'
Plus, we throw in one reason to get excited anyway.


Science Takes Another Step Toward Erasing Painful Memories
Israeli researchers have managed to erase fear-inducing memories in mice by weakening the connection between the brain's amygdala and cortex.


You Might Need Half as Much Vitamin D as Previously Thought
When scientists used a new measurement technique on an earlier clinical trial, they got some very different results.


Why North America's Lakes Are Getting Distressingly More Salty
Salt used in the winter to deice roadways is having an impact on hundreds of lakes across the region.

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