Kamis, 09 Maret 2017

Why We Use the Suffix '-Gate' for Scandals - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Mar 08, 2017 05:24 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Why We Use the Suffix '-Gate' for Scandals (And Can We Please Stop?)
Scandalgate! The connotative suffix has been affixed to imbroglios aplenty. But has its overuse made us forget its original context?


Mars Has a Magnetosphere Problem. Inflatables Could Help
And solving that issue could go a long way toward making our planetary neighbor habitable.


Who's in Charge of Investigating Deaths in Antarctica?
Antarctica belongs to no one nation. So what happens in the event of a crime?


One Vaccine Breakthrough in the 1960s Has Prevented 10 Million Deaths
A new study examines the impact of the WI-38 human cell strain, from lives saved to cases of disease prevented.


You Really Can Look Like Your Name, Research Says
Turns out people are pretty good at matching names to faces, a new study shows.

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