Jumat, 17 Maret 2017

Kintsugi: What a Broken Bowl Can Teach Us - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Mar 16, 2017 04:28 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Kintsugi: What a Broken Bowl Can Teach Us
"One can consider how we might live a kintsugi life, or 'rebirth' finding value in the cracks ... bringing to light the scars that have come from life experiences."


Yes, Wind Can Blow You Away If It's the Right Speed
We've all seen shots of meteorologists fighting gale-force winds to report on storms. So just how high can the winds get before the reporters are knocked off their feet?


MIT Rewards Responsible Civil Disobedience With New $250,000 Prize
The university's Media Lab is accepting nominations for a new prize rewarding those who set a positive example by breaking social rules for the greater good.


See the Wildest Winners of Competition to Invent New Musical Instruments
Where else can you find an instrument that can be played with a mallet, a violin bow or a hair comb?


If Elon Musk Loses This Bet, Tesla Could Be Out Serious Cash
Australia's having some serious energy issues. Elon Musk is betting Tesla can help.


Southern California Desert Showered With Best Super Bloom in 20 Years
Heavy rains have set the Southern California desert near San Diego on fire — with wildflowers. The phenomenon known as a "super bloom" is peaking for the next few weeks.


Earth's Early Atmosphere Was Briefly a Methane Haze
Earth's atmosphere used to be full of toxic hydrogen, but a brief period of methane smog cleared the way for valuable oxygen to set up shop.


Do Taxi Drivers Overcharge Business Travelers? One Study Investigates
A new study examined the morality of cab drivers — in Athens, Greece — when dealing with business travelers.


Kids Getting Sick From Hand Sanitizers
Kids are getting sick from ingesting hand sanitizer. Some are drinking it intentionally. The CDC explains why and what parents can do to prevent accidental exposure.

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