Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

Green Fireball Lights Up Midwestern Night Skies - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Feb 06, 2017 04:45 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Green Fireball Lights Up Midwestern Night Skies
Midwestern night owls got a meteoric surprise this week.


NASA Investigates Cosmic Ray Impact on High-altitude Travelers
The atmosphere protects those of us here on land from cosmic radiation. So what about those who spend time above the clouds?


Ridiculous History: Surgeon Robert Liston Was 'Fastest Knife in the West End'
In the era before anesthesia, a surgeon with quick hands was highly sought-after.


How a Trump Border Wall Would Affect Wildlife
A wall spanning a continent would alter the environment for the worse, with its impact felt across numerous species and ecosystems.


What Was the Very First Toothbrush?
You could probably give up a lot of things in this world, but could you give up your toothbrush?


5 Things You Didn't Know About Bob Marley
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery by learning more about this reggae superstar.

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