Jumat, 03 Februari 2017

Do Weighted Blankets Help With Sleep? - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Feb 02, 2017 04:31 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Which States Give the Most to the Federal Government and Which Get the Most?
You may be surprised at which states are feeding the most at the government tough.


Fido's Getting Better Flu Shots
Scientists have developed two new vaccines for canine influenza that are far superior to those now available.


Do Weighted Blankets Help With Sleep?
The pressure of weighted blankets is said to help alleviate stress and anxiety. Is that true?


Scientists Reveal What Living and Working in Antarctica Is Really Like
The most inhospitable continent in the world can be a surprisingly normal at times. But then you have to mail your poop home.


Is That a Cricket in Your Cocktail?
Eating bugs is gaining popularity in the West, but many are still put off simply because they're insects. Might bugs in cocktails make the idea a bit easier to swallow?


'E.T.' For Real? Newly Discovered 100 Million-year-old Insect Looks Like Alien
This insect's appearance and characteristics are so unusual, it has received its own scientific order.


Supermarkets of the Future Are Going to Be Weird in So Many Ways
From predictive couponing to groceries delivered by robots straight to the trunk of your self-driving car, 21st-century shopping could offer serious innovations.


2016 Broke the Record for Stolen Data
2016 was memorable for a whole lot of reasons, and one of them was the massive amount of data stolen.


Florida Enlists Expert Indian Snake Hunters to Solve Its Python Problem
Irula tribesmen, pros at catching deadly snakes, traveled all the way from India to be on the Burmese python case in South Florida.


Why the Victorians Thought Green Tea Caused Hallucinations
Is there any kernel of truth to the late-1800s belief that a cup of the green stuff could cause the brain to go all trippy?

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