Selasa, 06 Desember 2016

Toddlers May Be Able to Determine Whether Adults Are Lying - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Dec 05, 2016 04:35 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Toddlers May Be Able to Determine Whether Adults Are Lying
Behavioral psychologists have always thought children could start spotting intentional falsehoods around the age of 4. Turns out it's probably much younger.


'The Santa Myth': Childhood Fun or Dangerous Lie?
Experts and parents are divided on whether to encourage children's belief in Santa Claus.


Futuristic EM Drive Could Work — If It Can Defy the Laws of Physics
NASA researchers say they may have made a breakthrough with electromagnetic drive propulsion, but other scientists have their doubts.


Women's Brains Missing From Concussion Studies
Brain banks researching how trauma affects the human brain have a problem on their hands: not enough female brains to study.


Many Stories Have One of Six 'Beautiful Shapes'
There's so much great fiction out there, but, as it turns out, many of these stories have something in common: their emotional arc.

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