Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

NASA Tattooed Me With a Protostar … For Science! - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Dec 26, 2016 10:00 am
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

NASA Tattooed Me With a Protostar … For Science!
A tattoo artist created 18 pieces of art inspired by the James Webb Space Telescope. Our Fw:Thinking host Jonathan Strickland now sports one of them on his back.


Let Kids Lose! Scientists Say It Helps Children Learn Better Judgment
Throwing games to make kids happy may negatively affect their ability to make important decisions — even if it does boost their self-esteem.


Finally, a Shock to the System That's Good For You
A new device sends electric signals through your body to stop internal bleeding.


New Eyewear Protects Your Identity from Facial Recognition Cameras
Light-reflective glasses promise to foil CCTV cameras. Here's how.


75 Years After Her Debut, Wonder Woman Remains Iconic
The superhero's creator imbued her with themes of truth-telling, a powerful matriarchy and even bondage, all pulled from his own unconventional life.

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