Selasa, 08 November 2016

Who Does a Mom Love More: Her Kid or Her Dog? - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Nov 07, 2016 09:37 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Who Does a Mom Love More: Her Kid or Her Dog?
One study attempted to find out, with a little help from some brain scans.


Do Uber Drivers Discriminate Racially? A Study Says Yes
Do ridesharing apps offer a less-discriminatory way to get a ride than hailing a taxi? A recent study says they can be just as difficult.


Businesses Offering Voting Discounts Are Technically Breaking Federal Law
And that's not all — voters who accept giveaways, be it a free cup of coffee or a discounted price, also are violating the law.


Drivers Who Merge at the Last Minute May Be Annoying … But They're Right
The "zipper system" of merging lanes of traffic cuts back on congestion and car crashes, but it also seems a lot like cheating to American drivers.

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