Selasa, 22 November 2016

Rats Are Ticklish Just Like Humans, New Study Shows - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Nov 21, 2016 04:57 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Rats Are Ticklish Just Like Humans, New Study Shows
They're dirty, hairy, mangy-looking creatures — and they giggle and squirm when tickled, just like us.


Want to Get Students Psyched About STEM? Ask Them to Launch a Satellite
That's what South Africa did.


Probing the Undersea Dead Zone Known as the Hot Tub of Despair
Take a look inside the deadly brine pool in the Gulf of Mexico that's captivating the world's attention.


Are You Actually an Android?
The cyborgs on 'Westworld' had us wondering, would you know if you were a robot?


Can Spicy Food Really Burn Out Taste Buds?
You may love the burn of food that's triple Thai hot, but do your poor taste buds?

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