Jumat, 21 Oktober 2016

No Internet for WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Oct 20, 2016 02:47 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

No Internet for WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange
Ecuador's government has pulled the plug on Assange's internet access, citing concerns over implications of interference in the U.S. presidential election.


Placebos Reduce Pain Even When Patients Know They're Taking Them
They're called open-label placebos, and they may be able to help with conditions that the brain controls, like pain, hunger, fatigue or even depression.


Nope, Boomers and Xers Don't Work Harder Than Millennials
Never mind the generation gap: Here is what's really going on in the workplace.


Mini Turbine 'Wind Trees' Could Generate Power for Homes, Electric Cars
A French company has created a miniature wind turbine that looks like a tree and could provide enough energy for a house.


Why Some People Faint When They See Blood
What's the science behind fainting at the sight of blood? This BrainStuff video takes a look at the brain's internal toggle switch making some people hit the floor.


Got a Bad Case of FOMO? Get Off Social Media
Bummed out by the Internet and how much more fun everyone else seems to be having? Seeking out better times offline may ease your FOMO.


Monster Science Digs Up Some Vampire Vixens From Nature
It's that creepy time of year again, and Dr. Anton Jessup is back for another series of Monster Science. In this episode, he meets up with some unexpected vampire vixens.


Newly Discovered Crane Fly Species: Tiny Wings, Double-barreled Penis
And its special endowment is not the thing that intrigues scientists the most.


Why Is the Speedo Disappearing From European Beaches?
The brief-style swimsuit has never caught on in puritanical America like around the world. But as baggy shorts become more popular, is this body image, or just fashion?


Ditching the Pill for an App and an Algorithm
A new app relies on women taking their temperature each day and entering it into an app to determine fertility. Will this new approach to birth control catch on?


Scientists Figure Out How Martian Moon Phobos Got Its 'Death Star' Crater
How could Phobos withstand the impact that created such a large crater without simply shattering into pieces? A new mathematical investigation answers that question.


Flesh-eating Screwworm Maggots Are Devouring Rare Tiny Florida Deer Alive
In a state already teeming with pythons, tourists and Jimmy Buffett singalongs, the flesh-eating screwworm makes Florida a little more menacing.


Austria Will Demolish Adolf Hitler's Birthplace
Is Austria's step to remove the place where the Nazi leader was born a way of cleaning up the present and future, or of trying to sweep the past under the rug?

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