Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

Is a Double Hurricane Something You Should Freak Out About? - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Oct 06, 2016 03:54 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Is a Double Hurricane Something You Should Freak Out About?
What happens when two unpredictable storms show up to dance? And what about when one finally heads out to sea — then abruptly turns inland again for a one-two punch?


Bike Helmet Airbags Could Keep Your Head Safe
New research finds that bike helmet airbags are pretty darn effective at protecting your noggin from traumatic brain injuries.


Quadriplegic Man Gets Nation's First Autonomous Car Driver's License
Racecar driver Sam Schmidt was paralyzed in a car crash in 2000. Nevada just issued him a first-of-its-kind license to take his special car on the road.


'Aleppo Moments': What Causes Our Brains to Freeze Under Pressure?
It happens to politicians, beauty queens and regular folks. Brain farts, that is. But, why?


There Was an Actual Jones Family Behind 'Keeping Up With the Joneses'
A crumbling brick fortress in New York state proves that it's not so easy to keep up with the Joneses after all.


Guy Who Set the Paper Airplane World Record Shows How It's Done
Paper airplanes are much more than child's play.


4 Reasons Why Menstrual Cups Aren't More Popular
Menstrual cups still don't get much love from many American women. Why's that?


Will Nissan's New Self-Driving Chair Usher in a Golden Age of Sloth?
As if it weren't enough for the robots to steal human jobs, the era of autonomous furniture is apparently upon us.


Your Jeans Could Someday Power Your Phone
Chinese scientists have created the first fibers that can capture solar energy and survive the clothing manufacturing process.


Living in Racist Community Linked to Health Issues for Blacks, Whites Alike
Living in racially hostile societies has been connected to the circulatory and cardiac health of both blacks and white.


The World's Most Trafficked Mammal Just Got New International Protections
More than 180 countries signed a new agreement to combat trade of the pangolin—the most critically endangered animal you've never heard of. Will it be enough?


NPR Says No Comments
News organizations have been dropping their commenting sections for years, and NPR has recently joined them. But not everyone thinks ditching comments is the way to go.


This Killer Whale Submarine Can Be Yours
And it's only $90,000.


Surgeons Plan to Transplant Human Head by 2018
A neurosurgeon duo hopes to transplant a living human head from a patient whose body is dying to a healthy donor body. But that raises questions — a lot of questions.

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