Senin, 13 Agustus 2012


Posted: 13 Aug 2012 12:13 AM PDT

Hack Facebook Or Any Account User ID And Password On WIFI Or LAN 2012

Hi all users, today I want to share an awesome post that I found yesterday. This tutorial will help you to hack facebook or other similar accounts like twitter,hi5, orkut,or anything else we have to knowledge about what software we are using for hack and how to operate them. In this hacking method we use two most popular software one is wireshark and other is mozilla.

1.Wireshark:- Wireshark is a free and open-source packet , analyzer. It is used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development, and education.

2.Mozzila:- Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser developed for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.


1. Download wireshark from HERE.

2. Download firefox from HERE.( Its work on older version on mozilla only so you have to download mozilla from given link.)

3. After download both software install both in your PC.

4. After installation open wireshark and click on capture option in wireshark.

                        Click on image to enlarge

5. Select wifi or lan driver name from list( if you don't know which one is you wifi or lan card then tick on all interface.

                          Click on image to enlarge

6. After that it will sniffing your network and showing packet.

7. Now goto edit>find packet type datr in filter>select string>tick on packet detail>after that click on find.
this will show you only datr packet.

type in filter >http.cookie contains"datr"
this will show you only datr packet. 

                             Click on image to enlarge

8. datr packet only for facebook which is used on your network if you not get any packet that means no one is using facebook on your network.

9. when you get datr packet then it show captured cookie like this.

10. now copy cookie by right click on cookie line copy>bytes> printable text only.

                              Click on image to enlarge

11. Paste it into notepad and separate all cookie format by clicking enter after every semicolon (;)

                            Click on image to enlarge

[color=#800]STEP TO OPEN slave FACEBOOK:-[/color]

1. Open mozilla and open this link to download add n edit cookie. CLICK HERE.

2. After install restart your browser and goto tool>cookie editor(open)

                           Click on image to enlarge

3. Delete all cookie from list.

                         Click on image to enlarge

4. Open in your browser and refresh cookie in cookie manager you got some cookie of again delete all cookie and add new cookie.

5. The copied cookie in notepad like this
sub=1; p=0; presence=EM344408378EuserFA21B02448897985A2EstateFDsb2F0Et2F_5b_5dElm2FnullEuct2​F1344407608BEtrFnullEtwF2273934543EatF1344408215307G344408378845CEchFDp_5f1B0244​8897985F1CC

Note :- this cookie doesn't work this is for tutorial purpose only

6. If you are getting more cookie list there are no problem.

7. Now click on add> in name field fill c_user > in content fill 100002448897925> in host put >in path put / >after that click on save
add all cookie in cookie manager and remember don't forget to add cookie in cookie manager and don't mistake in spelling.

                 Click on image to enlarge

8. After adding all cookie close cookie manager and reload facebook page by pressing F5 or reload button and enjoy you have hacked facebook account.


Credit : manishtaraiya

Note :- Kindly g+1 this post if you want more post like this.

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