Sabtu, 20 Juni 2020

Why Saffron Is More Expensive Than Gold?

Why Saffron Is More Expensive Than Gold

When you consider that it can take laborers up to 40 hours of handpicking stamens to produce 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of saffron, the pricetag starts to make sense. Read more >>

Centralia: The Ghost Town That Sits Atop an Inferno

The fire under this tiny town has been burning since 1962. To this day, nobody knows how to put it out. Read more >>

5 Things You Didn't Know About the Summer Solstice

Who's ready for the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere? Read more >>

How Well Do You Remember "The Breakfast Club"?

Calling all brains, athletes, basket cases and princesses. How well do you know this classic '80s film?Take quiz >>

What's the Difference Between the Pantheon and Parthenon?

It's easy to confuse these two famous ancient ruins. Here's how to tell them apart. Read more >>

Kernza: The Environment-friendly Wheat Crop That Wants to Feed the World

Kernza is a wheat-like grain that doesn't have to be replanted each year. Is this the ideal crop to aid in the fight against climate change? Read more >>

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