Jumat, 11 Mei 2018

Are birthday cards still a thing?

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Millennials Are Making Birthday Cards a Thing Again

Fissures, Quakes and Lava: Explaining Kilauea's Volcanic Crisis

Recently, part of the Kilauea volcano — which is located by the island's southern shores — collapsed. This was followed by a series of earthquakes, including one that measured 6.9 on the Richter Scale. Since then, hot lava has been seeping up out of the ground through fissures in or near residential areas. Several Hawaiians have lost their homes and geologists don't yet know when the episode will end. See more

Is Earth the Only Planet With Tectonic Plates?


On Earth, plate tectonics build up mountains, set off tsunamis and form volcanoes. But what's the situation like on other planets? Do they experience plate tectonics as well, or is the phenomenon limited to Earth? Well in this respect, our home appears to be kind of unique. Sure, other planets are geologically active, but we have yet to find an Earth-like system of plate tectonics elsewhere in the universe. See More

Hawaii Proposes Ban on Certain Sunscreens to Save Coral Reefs

Infrasound Can Detect Tornadoes an Hour Before They Form


Why Don't Bras Have Pockets?

If you're reading this and you have breasts, take a moment to reminisce about the times you've stashed something in your bra. You might not be able to remember them all. On good days, pulling a $20 bill out of the depths of your cleavage makes you feel like a saucy broad in a classic film, and on bad days whatever you're stashing in there just feels pokey and weird. But, listen: Women don't pay for lunch with sweaty credit cards out of their shirts because it's fun; it's because they lack options. Since the pockets in many women's garments are either pathetically shallow or just missing (or fakes!), what's a woman of property to do when she's trying to go for a jog and has both keys and a phone to contend with? See More >>>

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