Selasa, 24 April 2018

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The Coffee Belt and Your Morning Joe

If Cars Have Shoulder Seat Belts, Why Not Airplanes?

When the "fasten seat belt" sign flashes on in airplanes, with its familiar accompanying ding, it's often met with passengers' equal parts annoyance and resignation, when it's acknowledged at all. Like, "What? Again? Really? Do I have to ...?" The answer, of course, is yes. You really have to. As mom would say, "it's for your own good." See more

Defining 'Suspicious Behavior' Without Bias Is Harder Than You Think

Starbucks landed in hot water (not the caffeinated kind) after one of its store managers in Philadelphia called the police on two black men waiting for a friend. The men were handcuffed and escorted from the cafe for behavior — asking to use the bathroom and not buying anything — that witnesses said would never have drawn attention if they were white. See More

Is Your Car Road-trip Ready?

The Sun Has Siblings, and You Can Help Find Them


Mystery Meteorite Came From Long Gone Alien World

Most chunks of space rock found on our planet belong to families of meteorites that can be traced back to a common origin. For instance, shergottite, nakhlite and chassignite (SNC) meteorites are remnants of Martian crust that were blasted from the red planet's surface early in the solar system's history. But ureilites? No one knew exactly where they came from. See More >>>

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