Jumat, 05 Mei 2017

Scientists Crack the Mystery of Blood Falls —  Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

May 04, 2017 02:31 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Where Did 'Shirt and Shoes Required' Come From?
Nope, it has nothing to do with the health department.


Human Din Is Drowning Out Nature's Quiet, Even in Parks
Wildness is a necessity, as naturalist John Muir once wrote. And it helps if that wildness isn't drowned out by man-made noise pollution.


Scientists Crack Another Mystery Behind Blood Falls
Antarctica's Blood Falls looks like a geological horror scene. For decades, scientists weren't sure why. Until now.


Scientists Discover Caterpillar That Actually Eats Plastic
Could plastic-eating caterpillars help rid the planet of trillions of bags clogging landfills and other ecosystems? A chance scientific discovery may provide answers.


Mobile MIT Robot Can 3-D Print Entire Building Structure in Hours
MIT has created a system capable of 3-D printing the basic structure of an entire building, cutting time and money costs — with an eye on Antarctica, and even Mars.


Aromatherapy Shows Promise for Stressed Horses
Humans may not be the only animals that dig a soothing whiff of lavender oil.


Calamity Jane Was a Woman of Many Talents ... And Great at Embellishing
The Wild West legend's life has been romanticized and colored with exaggeration. But that doesn't mean her story isn't fascinating.


Trump Considers Removing National Monument Status... But Can He?
President Trump says dozens of national monuments were named with an "egregious abuse of federal power." Check out a gallery of those his administration is reviewing.


Can You Sue Over 'Thirdhand Smoke' Exposure?
Research shows that nicotine residue lingering in furniture and carpets may be hazardous to kids. Could that mean legal action for unsuspecting homeowners and tenants?


Female Dragonflies Fake Death to Avoid Unwanted Male Advances
For one species of dragonfly, the hassle of dealing with aggressive suitors is worth playing possum over.

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