Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

Shouty Caps, Hear and Now and How Metalheads Survived the '80s - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

May 23, 2016 04:17 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Ridiculous History: SHOUTY CAPS Are a Much Older Invention Than You Think
We all know we're being yelled at when we get a text using all capital letters in an email. Did that start with the invention of the internet? Or is it something older?


Hear and Now: More Edible Tech and Penis Transplants, Less Internet Access
HowStuffWorks Now has a podcast! In the sixth episode, the team covers the first successful U.S. penis transplant, edible electronics and restricted Internet access.


No Bull: Why Pet Stores Are Afraid of the Word 'Penis'
Pet stores provide scientific, anatomical names for dog chews, so why resort to euphemisms like "pizzle" and "bully stick"? Dogs have no shame — but we humans do.


Metalheads Survived the '80s, and They're Doing Fine
Heavy metal music of the 1980s promoted sex, drugs, devils and doom — yet surviving middle-aged fans are actually happy and well-adjusted, with few regrets.


Euthanasia Roller Coaster — the Movie!
A Lithuanian artist conceptualized a roller coaster fast enough to kill people who wanted a novel way to commit suicide. Now there's a short film about it.

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