Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Nopeface, Saturn's Icy Moon and DIY Braces - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Mar 28, 2016 05:10 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

#nopeface: One Universal Expression That Says 'Not' Across Cultures
The study also had surprising findings about the evolution of human language and grammar.


We've Just Solved Some Mysteries of Saturn's Icy Moon Enceladus
Understanding just how the "tiger stripes" on Enceladus have sustained water eruptions from its global ocean for so long helps us learn more about Saturn's rings.


Taking Your Mouth Into Your Own Hands: DIY Braces
Most folks would head to the orthodontist to have their teeth straightened, but that's not what one broke college student and designer did.


'Free Cash': Experts Divided on Whether Universal Basic Income Could End Poverty
The idea is that the government gives everyone a set amount of money, just for existing. Would it fly in the U.S.?


Ridiculous History: Ranchers Hacked Barbed Wire Fences to Create Phone Lines
A phone call from an early-1900s rural homestead was at the forefront of communications technology, and farms were the most networked communities of the time.

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