Selasa, 02 Februari 2016

Find My Phone Fails, Volcano S'mores and BB-8's Voice - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Feb 02, 2016 10:00 am
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

When 'Find My Phone' Fails
This app, which is supposed to locate your cell phone, has sent more than one person to the same wrong house. But why?


This Explorer Cooked S'mores in an Active Volcano, So We Asked Him About It
What does a Kiwi know about the American campfire classic, anyway? Well, he sure knows drama...


Watch this Flying Spheroid Drone Explore a Glacial Ice Cave
Gyroscopes, carbon rods and flexible joints let the GimBall drone bounce off of and roll against obstacles as it flies on its missions.


Year of the Monkey Could Lead to More Monkey Business
China's betting that the year of the monkey, which starts on Feb. 8, 2016, will prompt more baby-making.


How BB-8 Got His Voice
"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" introduced one of the most iconic new characters in the form of the rolling droid BB-8. But how did he learn to speak?


We Have Italian, Blue Cheese, Ranch … Roach? Insect Oil's Rich in Omega-3 Acids!
Insect oil is going to waste. It's clean, it's healthy, and we should be using it. Oh, except for roach oil. Apparently that smells disgusting. No surprise there.


Big Money, Big Money: Flashing Lights, Music Can Turn Rats Into Problem Gamblers
A new study shows that adding noisy cues triggers the same brain chemicals as drug addiction in rats. What does that mean for humans?


Ridiculous History: Soviet Hipsters Bootlegged 'Bone Music' on Human X-Rays
Under repressive regimes, teens still need their rock 'n' roll. What drastic measures did Soviets go to to create an underground vinyl record market?


Niagara Falls Will Temporarily Stop Gushing in 2019
The formidable gusher could stop flowing for a few months in 2019 in order to repair some bridges in dire need.

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