Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

This Week’s Stuff Nation: The How Behind the Headlines

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10 Most Absurd Fad Diets
Eat right and exercise: It's no secret that those are the best ways to improve health and shed pounds, but often, people will go to crazy extremes to try to get slim. Would you ingest a parasite to fit into your skinny jeans?
How MagicJack Works
You may have seen ads for MagicJack on late night TV or seen the gadgets displayed in retail outlets. Can MagicJack's promise of low-cost phone service be for real?
10 Ways to Bug-proof Your Home
Whether you're frightened or fascinated by insects, you can probably agree they don't belong in your home. But how can you keep something so small from worming its way into your walls?
Quiz: Origins of Popular Traditions
We know what to do, but why do we do it? Many of today's popular traditions are based in acts and tales from long ago. Find out some traditions' origins with this quiz!
Votes for Women: The Women in Politics Quiz
Women becoming actively involved in politics is a relatively new development compared to how long men have been ruling around the world. Test your knowledge of the state of women in politics and female pioneers at the polls with this quiz.
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