Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

Trying to lose weight, eh?


After Weight Loss, Hunger Is a Life Sentence


Ants Rescue and Treat Wounded Comrades

Each day in sub-Saharan Africa, a bloody battle rages. This never-ending war has killed thousands, perhaps millions, and left many scarred for life. In the middle of this carnage is a group of brave soldiers who risk everything to pull injured comrades out of harm's way so they can receive much-needed medical attention. See more

How to See Who Views Your Facebook Profile

By now, you've most likely noticed the many apps and Web services claiming to let you see who's viewing your Facebook profile. Is your college ex checking up on you? Is someone from work scrolling through pictures of your beach vacation? Are your parents secretly peeking in on your private life? These apps promise the answers. See More

​Room-temp Pizza: A Gamble or Good-to-go?


Porsche Is 3-D Printing Rare Parts for Its Classic Cars


Nearly Every English Word Is Trademarked

In 1999 I rescued two cats from a local vet. I named one Pandora. A couple of years later, PANDORA jewelry became all the rage. Now, every time I see a PANDORA commercial I kick myself for not trademarking my little girl's name. The two of us could have been swimming in cat treats. Yet, even if I had thought of it, according to two New York University law professors, it probably would have been too late to cash in. It seems that many of the words we use every day are already trademarked, which means it is difficult for entrepreneurs to find good names for their companies. See more >>

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Jumat, 23 Februari 2018

Ever wonder what those lines are in the sky?

What Are Chemtrails, And Should You Be Scared of Them?

NASA's Kepler Mission Adds 100 Alien Worlds to Exoplanet Tally

Astronomers analyzing data collected by NASA's Kepler Space Telescope have announced the discovery of nearly 100 alien worlds beyond our solar system and one of them is an exoplanet with a 10-day orbit that whips around the brightest star recorded in Kepler's database. See more

The Farthest Pictures from Earth Ever Taken

NASA's New Horizons space probe was launched in 2006 on a mission to gather information about Pluto and its moons and the Kuiper Belt, a ring of debris on the edge of our solar system. After reaching Pluto in 2015, the craft made some startling discoveries. See More

State-funded Funerals: What Happens to the Unclaimed Dead?


Why Do Mass Shootings Keep Happening in U.S. Schools?


When Car Sharing and Pets Converge

When you think of early adopters, you might think of someone who's had a car2go car sharing membership since Day 1, and probably a Zipcar membership before that. But an early adopter could also be that person you know who's been involved in rescuing puppies and kittens, well, before rescue was the thing. And in the Venn diagram of these two groups — early adopters or not — there's certainly a lot of overlap. See more >>

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