Jumat, 29 Juli 2016

Artificial Sweeteners Makes Real Sugar Taste Even Better - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Jul 28, 2016 08:11 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Artificial Sweeteners Makes Real Sugar Taste Even Better
And that can be bad news for your waistline.


If Humans Were Built to Withstand a Car Crash, They Might Look Like This
Graham is what you get when an artist, a trauma surgeon and a collision expert team up to imagine what humans would like if we evolved to fit cars.


The World Has Finally Made Its Very Last New VCR
Many of us assumed the VHS video cassette player was already a thing of the past. Now it's officially being laid to rest.


So Exactly What Is American Cheese, Really?
It's melty, it's gooey, it's oozy, it's yellow, it's processed It's on your burgers and in your grilled cheese sandwiches. But, uh… what's it made of?


Can Marijuana Enhance Athletic Performance?
Sure, pot can help with myriad medical problems, from nausea to inflammation, but could it also improve performance on the field?


Daily TV Binge Watching Could Dramatically Shorten Your Life
We know that a sedentary lifestyle is not healthy. A new study finds specific pulmonary embolism risks in watching more than 2.5 hours of TV in a day.


One Time This Pony Drank a Lot of Diet Coke. Here's Why
For some horses and ponies, Diet Coke can be a literal lifesaver.


The Unexpected Reason Why the Smartest People Are OK With Alone Time
Understanding prehistoric societies explains why most people are happiest in small groups — but some of us break from the norm with cities and solitude alike.


Saguaro Cacti Thrive When the World's Massive Volcanoes Erupt, Study Finds
New research links massive historic volcanic eruptions in Asia to a baby boom generation of the iconic Sonoran Desert cactus.

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HowStuffWorks, 675 Ponce de Leon Ave, Atlanta, GA 30308

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Selasa, 26 Juli 2016

Hear and Now: Drones Could Clear Unexploded Landmines Within a Decade - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Jul 25, 2016 05:33 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

Hear and Now: Drones Could Clear Unexploded Landmines Within a Decade
Plus, Alexander McQueen could live on in one seriously unique leather jacket, and Jonathan Strickland explains the fun phenomenon of voxels.


Alexander McQueen's Skin to Live Again — in Synthetic Leather
Which kind of makes you wonder: What's stopping someone from taking your cells, growing your flesh and doing anything they please with it?


Ridiculous History: Nike's Very First Shoes Were Made With a Waffle Iron
The running shoe that put Nike on the map was designed over the breakfast table, and a relic of its genesis was unearthed after years in a trash pit.

Copyright © 2016 InfoSpace LLC, All rights reserved.
HowStuffWorks, 675 Ponce de Leon Ave, Atlanta, GA 30308

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Jumat, 22 Juli 2016

How Do Political Convention Speakers Get Chosen, and Who Decides What They Say? - Today on HowStuffWorks NOW  

Jul 21, 2016 03:33 pm
Today on HowStuffWorks NOW

How Do Political Convention Speakers Get Chosen, and Who Decides What They Say?
Modern political conventions are tightly scripted affairs, though this year's GOP convention has broken with tradition. What's the strategy behind who gets to speak?


Benevolent Drones: Is a Future Without Land Mines Just a Decade Away?
Land mines can pose a threat long after a conflict they were part of is over. A new drone project could offer a way to safely and inexpensively eliminate the explosives.


Aquafaba, the Surprise Solution to All Your Vegan Baking Problems
Vegan cooking struggles with replicating magical egg whites. Turns out we've been pouring a potential meringue lifesaver down the drain for years.


How a Gift Certificate Program Could Revolutionize Kidney Transplants
A new program allows people to donate a kidney now and get a certificate a loved one can "cash in" later.


Reading 'Harry Potter' Influences How Americans View Donald Trump
The wizarding novels promote tolerance and oppose authoritarianism. What does that mean for how Potter fans view the Republican presidential candidate?


Voxels, Acoustics and Hippopotamus Bugles
Engineers have created the acoustic equivalent of Lego blocks.


Why Don't We Notice We're Blinking?
We blink our eyes so often, yet we usually don't perceive that the world has gone dark, if only for a microsecond. Why is that?

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HowStuffWorks, 675 Ponce de Leon Ave, Atlanta, GA 30308

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